Our refractive optical devices are used as focusing and imaging components in all techniques based on synchrotron radiation, like microscopy, diffraction, spectroscopy, reflection, and coherent scattering, at storage rings as well as x-ray free electron laser facilities. They have been established as popular and reliable working horses in almost all synchrotron radiation facilities worldwide.
Our optical devices have the following outstanding properties:
- Parabolic lens shape: imaging practically free of aberrations
- Metallic lens material:
- High resistance to radiation damage
- Thermal stability in the beam due to high heat conductivity
- Appropriate for a very wide energy range (roughly from 2 keV to 150 keV)
- Handling and adjustment:
- Robust and compact components
- Quick and easy installation, alignment (typically 15 minutes), and removal
- Relatively insensitive to misorientation, vibrations, and contamination
- Focus stays on axis
- Comfortable working distance between optics and sample
Lens Casings

For alignment of the lenses we provide HV compatible high precision lens casings.
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